

Five-Day Meal Count Reconciliation Process

What is a five-day meal count reconciliation?

A five-day meal count reconciliation is a way for monitors to look for consistency in meal counts. The monitor can also use it to determine that meal counts and claims are reasonable. 

It is a spot check of claiming procedures that encourages monitors to look for sources of errors in the claiming process and determine appropriate actions to correct them.

Why are Five-Day Meal Count Reconciliations important?

They help ensure that meal counts do not exceed the number of participants enrolled and in attendance at the day care home or center.


Little Dino’s Day Care has an attendance of 80 children on Tuesday, and a license capacity of 85. The monitor notices on the meal count record that there are 81 lunches listed.  

What could the monitor’s next step be? (Click each panel below to reveal answer) 

Talk with the director about the meal count

This is a possible next step. Talking with staff can give you a better understanding of the problem.

Review the enrollment forms for all participants

Looking at enrollment forms will only confirm if the participants in attendance are enrolled.