When we find date or meal count red flags, they may look like:

  • Inflated meal counts, for example meal counts exceed enrollment and/or attendance
  • Irregular meal count patterns for example, having the exact same number of counts for each meal
  • Use of correction fluid to correct information, for example correction fluid is used to change program information to benefit the facility
  • Meals documented on days that the facility was closed, such as holidays or inclement weather days
  • Unallowable items charged to the CACFP, for example soda or coffee (sponsored centers only)

As a sponsoring organization, you should consider taking these next steps:

Obtain an explanation and determine the reasonableness of the explanation

Conduct household contacts to confirm the explanation where appropriate

Perform unannounced reviews to determine what is actually taking place at the facility

Another red flag is when records, such as eligibility forms, attendance records or meal counts, are incomplete--or missing altogether.

While you are working on your end of month claim consolidation, make sure that all forms received from the facilities are completely filled out. Ensure that there are no missing forms or receipts and ensure that the documentation paints a full picture of what is happening at each facility.