Did you catch all of the 5 C’s in the scenario? Here they are for review: 

According to 7 CFR 226.18(e), current and complete enrollment forms must be maintained and not maintaining this record will result in the meal disallowances.


Enrollment forms were missing for three new participants that began attending the facility at the beginning of the month.

Lack of internal controls - The monitor determined the facility does not have any process or procedures for regularly reviewing enrollment forms to ensure they are on file.


Meals served to the three participants are not reimbursable; therefore, all meals served to those participants are disallowed until a valid enrollment form is on file.

Course of Action

The monitor requires the provider to develop a process and procedure for reviewing the enrollment forms at a set frequency and request their completion and re-submission from parents/guardians when needed. Also, the provider’s helper will verify regularly that a complete and current enrollment file is on for each meal participant. Meals served to the three participants will not be documented (for subsequent claiming purposes) until a valid enrollment form is on file.